The light fixture, the windows, fireplace. Oh, that fireplace. Love the pattern of the tile inside. And on the other side of the room, a gallery of monochromatic art pieces. Lovely. Source-Traditional Home
To leave messages for the kids on the counter in the bathroom! -Good Morning -I love you -Brush your teeth Perfect for any old thing that needs to be said. Source-Three Potato Four
My family and I are off to the Pear Fair tomorrow. Doesn't that sound delicious! I can't wait to see all of the possibilities of pears. This Apple-Pear Galette is one possibility I am looking forward to trying with some of the goodies we bring home. Source-Real Simple
My latest obsession is an odd one. Drapery. Not just drapery though, drapery that is pulled back way up high like these. I can't tell you how much I adore them. Image found at Absolutely Beautiful Things
This is a Resort that we recently spent time in on our trip to Oahu. It is truly a step back in time. The porch with teak rocking chairs is ideal for people watching. The banyan tree is over 125 years old. Perfection!
These beautiful pieces of jewelry are only a few of the many treasures that can be found at Star of the East, an Etsy shop based in Turkey. Take a look and be sure to read the shop owner's profile. There's so much inspiration to be found at Etsy. Source: Star of the East
I am drawn to this room. I have been thinking of the same idea for my dining room. Karyn has been helping me in the search for inspiration. So Karyn, can you imagine this sorta thing on a dining room scale?
I adore these seats. They are sure to be kid proof in the spill department. Unlike my woven seagrass seats now that the kids seems to get every goopy thing soaked into all the crevices.
Stumbled upon this yesterday didn't know what to make of it. Would the retail store sites continue? Today, The Estate of Things says no. Sad. Both Two Tall Girls love Smith & Hawken. What will we do?
I really admire brilliant, crafty people that do so much with there hands. I am not one of them. Well, maybe I am or could be when the right idea comes along. Karyn on the other hand can whip out a skirt or dress in an afternoon. I know what I want when I see it, I just need someone else to put it together for me.
This is my friend Concetta sister's site. It sounds wonderful and is something that I must do. I plan to visit Italy for my next big milestone birthday and this is on the "must do" list. The photos are incredible and the food is truly speaking, screaming at me, "come enjoy this". I promise I will. Source: The Farmhouse Table
Pottery Barn featured a room like this in their catalog years ago and it is one that I absolutely fell in love with. I envisioned recreating it in my own bathroom but never did. I loved the sea treasures lining the walls and the subtle color of the blue. I still do. I don't think I would have liked the dusting though. Image-A Beautiful Living
I adore these vintage tickets. I have seen them at various shops and have always thought they would make a nice adornment to a gift or put in a large jar to display. The only trouble is which one to choose? Sources: Vintage Bliss, Imagine Art 7, Moonfaces, Thriftypyg, Altered Paradise
I love when a house becomes part of the landscape. Growing ivy is a great way to add instant character to a home and instantly age it which is good as far as I'm concerned. I do love an old house. Why don't I have ivy?
I am currently fixated on my dining room. It is a large open space that needs some flair. The table size and shape is the big detail to sort out. After I determine that I think the rest of the room will flow easily. Do you have a round, rectangular or square table? How does it work for you? Would you purchase the same shape again? Why or Why not? Images-House Beautiful
We are two women, not that we like the sound of that because we are a lot more fun than the word lends the imagination to believe. We are mothers, wives, and friends obsessed with design, décor, fabric, foliage, pop culture and everything in-between that is associated with the like.